A Better Today for a Better Tomorrow

Supporting youth through sports, play and creative activities.

“Physical fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body it is the basis of dynamic and creative intelectual activity.”


“An inspirational story with a lot of heart that anyone can enjoy.  Written in a straightforward and humorous style supported by bold and deceptively simple illustrations, the book is entertaining while at the same time addressing fears and difficulties that can come with childhood. As a soccer-playing elementary school teacher I am delighted to whole-heartedly recommend this book for all kids.”

-Chris Curr, Parent

The Magic Soccer Ball

The Magic Soccer Ball was written by Coach Paul as a means to help inspire the youth. The story helps breed self confidence, something he sees missing in so many of the kids he works with. All proceeds for the book go towards supporting Better Today Better Tomorrow programs.

“Coach Paul was instrumental in bringing a love of soccer and of exercise in general to my son. This is something he will have for his entire life, bring a lifetime of enjoyment, health, and mental and physical wellness. He, and I, have Coach Paul to thank for that.”

— Justin Bois, Father


Feel free to contact us with any questions.


(626) 376-0684